Hello! Welcome to Snakecats!

These are an open species!I created Snakecats for my adopts but have decided to make them an actual species! Below I will go over the rules for my Snakecats.

Basic knowledge

Snakecats anatomy

Snakecats have a normal Feline body and skeletal system. while some of their organs are that of a snakes. very rarely will they be other Reptiles. but to be a true Snakecat, they must have venom and fangs. half Snakecats are possible, though very rare. half Snakecats do not have venom, and cannot be placed in a class.

Snakecats can have a multitude of snake-like features. Snakecats typically have a hood around their neck and some type of reptilian tail covered in fur. Common Snakecats host a Salamander, a Plump-like fluffy tail, and a rounder hood. there are four types of Venom within the Snakecats that separate them, Common, Fire, Water, and Earth. Common venom simply is just that, it acts as Snake Venom. Fire Snakecats are Uncommon, their Venom has the effect of Fire, Wherever the bite is placed, will immediately swell and feel as though it is on fire. Water Snakecats are slightly more uncommon than Fire, their Venom directly affects the Lungs and heart, having a drowning effect, and clogging the airways. and last, but not least are Earth Snakecats! These fellas are very rare, as not many exist. they do not have very strong venom, but it does cause the area around the bite to tense up and get slightly limp. they are a subclass of the Water Venom, they also affect the lungs, but very slightly. they cause the airways to slightly close, but the unfortunate victim can still breathe.Though they all come from the Snakecat Species, some are more distantly related than others. By example, the Water and Earth are very closely related, while the Common and Earth are very distantly related. Earth is a subclass of Water. Fire is the most distantly related.

Other Knowledge

do i have to follow the rules?

not exactly no, if you want to do a half Water and half Fire Snakecat, you can! but it cannot have both venoms, typically the father passes his Venom and colors, and the Mother passes one appearance, either the hood or tail. for example, if the mother is a Water Snakecat, and the Father is a Fire Snakecat, the offspring will be a Snakecat that has the rough appearance of a Water Snakecat, like the hood or tail, while having the Fire Venom.

How do i make a Half Snakecat?

as stated, a true Snakecat will always pass Fangs, but a Half Snakecat has the possibility of not passing Fangs, it is a fifty-fifty chance to pass. Half Snakecats will never have venom. the only way a Half Snakecat can have Venom, is when they are part of another Reptilian family that has Venom, for example, a Gila Monster.

What if I want to add another type of Reptilian Features?

that is fine! it can still be counted as a Snakecat. for example, if you want a Snakecat with an Alligator Tail, that is fine! but do remember that is still a Half Snakecat and cannot have venom. BUT if you mix it with, for example, a Gila Monster or Komodo Dragon, that can have venom! but it is the venom of that Reptilian, and not a Fire, Water, Earth, or Common.

How do i make a Snakecat?

Its Easy! Take your favorite Big cat or cat, and your favorite snake and follow the guides below!

Fire Venom Anatomy

Fire Snakecats

These cats are a lot more spikey. they are not the smartest either, but are physically stronger than the others. they are often seen with Rattlesnake tails or Cottonmouth-like mouths. they do not need much to hide or cover themselves. they have the rattle on their tail or the mouth to be spotted before they strike.

Water Venom Anatomy

Water Snakecats

These cats are very different from Fire Snakecats, very smart, and not very physically strong. they are very smooth and round. their tails are made for water travel, so they look more like a water moccasin's or a ribbon snake.

Earth Venom Anatomy

Earth Snakecats

These cats are bulky and square almost. Their hood is more square than the other 3. Earth Snakecats also have a Salamander-like tail like the Common Snakecats, despite them only being related through the same species their tail can only be bulky, as they are made to hide amongst brush and earth. These guys can only reproduce asexually.

Common Venom Anatomy

Common Snakecats

These cats are sleek and smooth. despite being common, they have a higher success rate when it comes to hunts or kills. their tails are salamander-like tails and round hoods, not like Water Snakecats who have smooth bumpy hoods.

Possible snake cat disformeties

Since other species have possible disformeties or mutations, here are Snakecat's!Double fangs.
This is extremely rare, happening every 1/500. These cats have the ability to inject double the venom. the second fang is either longer or shorter.
Double heads.
Again, extremely rare but possible, happening every 1/1000. This can only happen when the cub is born via egg, as Snake Cats can live birth or have eggs.
Slightly more common than the previous, happening in every 1/300. These cats are predominantly earth cats.
More eyes.
This is a rare occurrence, and surprisingly more common than others, happening in every 1/200.
These eyes can land on their flanks, tails, hoods, or even under or above the current eye. They eyes often go blind as they age.

Snakecats subclasses

Subclass breeds are common within the snakecat species, Air, Ice, Obsidian, and Magma. Magma and Obsidian are born via Water and Fire. Magma are bulky and closely resemble Fire, they have venom that can paralyze or occasionally shut down the bite area. Obsidian are the only snake cats that can be either bulky or slim, their venom is like Magma, but slightly weaker and causes the area to go limp. Ice is born between Water and Common snake cats, like Air is. Ice closely resembles Water but are more spikey and square, they have an average intelligence and the same venom affect Water does, but makes the victim extremely cold. And last but not least, is air, being born between Water and Common, Air is the weakest of all Snakecats, small fangs that have little to no effect on any animal other than small frogs and lizards. They are the smallest as well. Air Snakecat's are extremely intelligent, it's been confirmed they can think like humans, and theorized they are smarter than humans. They cannot produce more subclasses of themselves, acting like mules where they can only have any of the 3 main venoms. They are Uncommon in them selves.

Smallest to largest

While their height depends on their breed of big cat, it also depends on their venom. The smallest snake cat is Air, and the largest is FireHere is the a list from smallest to biggest
Air > Water > Ice > Common > Earth > Obsidian (slim) > Magma > Obsidian (bulky) > Fire
Here is the list from strongest venom
Magma > Fire > Obsidian > Water > Ice > Common > Earth > Air

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